So, friend…BEgin

Now, Today what the world needs now…is for you to begin to see/sense/feel your own worthiness and your place in life as having value.

Again friends, you change your world by changing you into the best, most creative, kindest and loving BEing you can be in each moment. The universe is not expecting heroics from you, you did not come into physicality to be a superhero, to be the topic of dinner conversation or to receive an academy award. You came for the Joy of it, for creation and for the expansion of self that it brings.

So many of you in your feelings of unworthiness feel unable to even begin in your daily interactions of life. You are a bit like those folks who are hoarders…so overwhelmed by things that they cannot fathom which bit the toss in the bin first. We tell you that you must begin with some small action, one thing must go in the bin.

We tell you…you are worthy, you have value.

So, friend BEGIN.

Many of One

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