Tag Archive | knowing

So, friend…BEgin

Now, Today what the world needs now…is for you to begin to see/sense/feel your own worthiness and your place in life as having value.

Again friends, you change your world by changing you into the best, most creative, kindest and loving BEing you can be in each moment. The universe is not expecting heroics from you, you did not come into physicality to be a superhero, to be the topic of dinner conversation or to receive an academy award. You came for the Joy of it, for creation and for the expansion of self that it brings.

So many of you in your feelings of unworthiness feel unable to even begin in your daily interactions of life. You are a bit like those folks who are hoarders…so overwhelmed by things that they cannot fathom which bit the toss in the bin first. We tell you that you must begin with some small action, one thing must go in the bin.

We tell you…you are worthy, you have value.

So, friend BEGIN.

Many of One

Individual expression and expansion

We speak now to you of natural laws, which are not the natural laws your scientists say govern this time space reality. We speak of the laws of creation which allow for many forms of existence on many plains in many dimensions simultaneously. All the while allowing for individual expression and expansion.

You experience life/physicality through your own body, see with your eyes the things around you and filter what you see to experience through what you believe. Every form of consciousness no matter how minute does this also. You are the center of your life as is your cat. The cat is the center of her life and the molecule that in the drop of water the center of its.

Each of you…yourself, the cat and the drop of water have at your core a drive towards increasing the quality of its experience. By this we do not mean that you increase the quantity of the things that you surround yourself with but that you increase your sense of safety, self-worthiness and are a benefit to your society. That you lovingly embrace the creation around you and are in response

Many of One

Become the drop

In your society there exists scientific, psychological and religious tenants all against the individual’s ability to trust their impulses to act in a benign or beneficial manner.

You have been taught that following an impulse for action is wrong, because the place where the impulse is coming from cannot be trusted. The individual at a young age begins to understand that only actions that are based on outside information are trustworthy and by default worth doing. The individual person moved by a desire to be of benefit to the time space reality in which she finds herself finds all avenues blocked.

You should understand two things at this juncture of your conversations with us:
1. You create your own reality
2. There is more impulse for good in everyone than what you see as

The individual cannot see a clear way to impact the society and because of that begins to experience a sense of powerlessness. Wondering why I am here, what did I come here for, surely not to just live a miserable life and then cease to exist.

We would like for you to begin to see your power in your daily one on one interactions with family, co-workers and friends. As one person…this is how you begin to grow a sphere of influence and to be the drop of water in the still pond that spreads ripples. Become the helper, the advisor, the kind person with always a smile and a good word of encouragement. One person can make a difference…one interaction at a time.

Many of One

Nothing that is conscious reacts only to outside stimuli

The smallest particle has impulses that push it towards growth and value fulfillment.

Nothing…Nothing that is conscious reacts only to outside stimuli…including you…friend.

When you come into physicality you have the drive/stimulus/impulse to leave your “mark” so to speak on the time space reality that you find yourself occupying; in a benign or beneficial way. Your entire physical, mental and spiritual components have a knowing of this truth. The problem arises when your society begins to “teach” you as a young child that your impulses are not to be trusted.

When you deny yourself, action spurred on by your personal values towards fulfillment of self, the result is that you begin to distrust self and look outside of self for direction. It is necessary here that you understand that we hold that impulses coming from the inner self are benign or beneficial to you and those around you. The desire to fulfill your altruistic impulses toward action is not selfish.

You have all had urges seemingly from out of “nowhere” to do something that on the surface looks out of character. Such impulses/urges are often the inner creative director showing you a different probable alternative to your “now” existence.

You see, friends in each moment there exists many probable outcomes of each choice that you make or do not make. Choice in this moment is where your true power lies.

When your inner self nudges you to do thus and such, it is often because that inner self is aware of probable beneficial outcomes towards self-fulfillment.

We ask you now to recall that you came into physicality to beneficially/benignly/act with altruism to impact this time space realty.

Many of One

YOU – MUST affirm YES

Good Day to you,

In this moment where your power is in this moment you have power you but to focus in this moment. Can you tell we are stepping on our soap box?

Now, if you would for but a moment, understand this, you are not an object at which the outside world is aimed in order to wreak havoc upon your experiences.

Dear friends you are the wreaker of havoc. You are the creator of all you experience. If you would for but one day, choose to experience yourself as creator, you would quickly change your outlook on things. Know that when we speak of your world we mean YOUR world. Your intimate small word that includes your immediate surroundings, we do not at this time speak of the greater time space reality of your physical existence.

You have been taught that stuff/things/people outside of you bring into your existence that which you must react to in a certain way in order to reach nirvana/get into heaven, to achieve that which you desire or just to be peaceful in your own body.

You are told that it how you react to what is happening that is important.

Yes, we say this is true it is good not to be in fear, it is necessary to not live in hate, etc.

Now, we would like you to step outside of all that is happening and for a few beats of time ponder this.

If it is my reaction to what is happening that is important, what then would happen if I stopped reacting entirely? What would the result be if I ignored the hate, discord, poverty around me and for a short time did this?

If for 5 minutes I sat and imagined how I would like things to be. How would I reorder things in my space, would the sky be blue, how about lavender? Would I be sick, angry or poor; or would I be healthy, and comfortable in my body and mind?

While you are imaging, imagine yourself surrounded by fine things and music of your choosing, friends who are delightful and enjoying exquisite tasting food and beverages.

Imagine the taste, textures and sounds, describe to yourself in minute details all of this KNOWING as you do, that you are affirming to the universe and your inner director of creation. “I say YES to this.” This, this is what I choose. Yes, Yes, this! This movement gives me pleasure, this sound is pleasant and that taste is wonderful!!


Then close your eyes and tell you that all this and more is mine and I remove any and all boulders that stand in the way of my experiencing this thing that I have imagined.

Next, put a smile on your face and go about your day. Leaving the actualization of what was imagined to your inner self. Leave it without chewing on it as dog would a bone. Leave IT!

When you next find yourself with a spare moment or two repeat the exercise, repeat it often with greater and greater relish.

Again, leave it to your inner self to bring you evidence of this imagined life.

Now, we have a couple of things. In order to change the world you must change you, it is not incorrect in times of world disharmony to focus inward, it is necessary.

Next, we have as always caveats:

YOU – MUST surrender the worry that what you have imagined won’t show up
YOU – MUST trust that you are worthy and it will be brought to you
YOU – MUST allow yourself to BE and receive
YOU – MUST accept the guidance to go this way…. And not ignore the still quiet voice from within
YOU – MUST affirm YES

These are the non-action actions that are required of you.

A most pleasant day of imaginings to you!

Many of One

What you call ego

What you call ego we see as, the portion of you that exists in the physical; the part of the whole identity that is focused in the now, the physical world in which the identity is currently experiencing. For you, as you see yourself in the mirror are but a small portion of the whole individualized identity that is yours.

The inner self, we chose that term instead of soul is the portion of you, that exists outside of time and physicality. It is the you that has always been, will always be and has knowledge of the whole individualized identity and the various reincarnations that have been and are BEing experienced.

This Inner self is not unconscious. It is very aware, although it does not operate in the physical world as you see it. The inner self is the director of creation. It is quite busily sifting through your emotions and beliefs and bringing evidence into your physical experience.

Your senses bring you information that you rely on. Believing in error as you do that your physical senses can be trusted to bring you factual truth. In reality those sense information bits are colored by your beliefs, expectations, and emotions which are then translated by your inner self into physical experiences.

We say to you this. ”You create your reality”, therefore it behooves you to be well and truly aware of those beliefs that you hold.

Good Day and ponder as is your want
Many of One

For those of you who would listen to us and truly hear.

We can, but won’t predict for you what might happen. There are many out there who will both willing and successfully do this for you. It is now and always has been our goal to aid you to understand and BEcome.  Trusting in your own ability to grow and successfully deal with the world outside of yourself. Now, we prescribe success as you see it, not success as other see it for you or as others expect you to be.We are happy to answer any and all questions pertaining to your development and how to I change this thing that makes me uncomfortable.

What is going on in currently is a physical manifestation of the inner thoughts of a large enough group (mass evidence) of BEings that is being carried out in violence. There are then enough others who relish destruction for the sake of destruction. These Beings are taking the opportunity to destroy with impunity.

For those of you who would listen to us and truly hear.

Now is the time to fully engage your practice of BEing in your present moment your moment of power.

To say to yourself “ no matter what is happening outside of me it is my intention to find in this moment some compassion and healing energy within myself that I can in this moment without judgment; send peace out into the energy stream.”

When your attention is then brought back to the current violent happenings repeat your intentions and within yourself a moment of quiet peace.

Above all to not engage in discussions and condemnation of the happenings, we tell your this, according to the Law of Attraction you will be adding fuel to the already burning fires.

You will have noticed that we say “It is my intention”, clearly stating this then following it up with what action you are intending; puts your inner BEing on notice to pay attention…this is important. “It is my intention through this action I AM about to name…MUST, MUST take precedence over that which my physical senses are sending for information. Pay attention for here I AM standing in my power. In this moment fully conscious and calling forth the energy that is needed.

As always we leave you to ponder or not as is your want
Good Day to you,

Many of One

Begin to imagine this

Good Day to you,

We have some topics

It is our most heartfelt desire for you to begin to know that you, the inner you exists in a place of infinite possibilities. Begin to imagine this.

When we speak of a quiet mind we by definition mean a mind that does not carry on a constant conversation inside of your head. That conversation controls your perception of your world, and it is rarely happening in your present moment. When your mind is quiet you begin to hear something else entirely. Who knows you might hear us.

It is necessary that you grasp the idea that existence moves forward always. This forward movement is the result of every idea and thought. The creative spark of thought and ideas is the impetus that moves everything forward.

There is a link between seeing yourselves as finite and looking for evidence that your world/universe/milky way etc. also must end as you do. You nicely use the Law of Attraction to bring you evidence….if I AM finite then everything around me is also and science reaches to prove you correct. Planets explode there is evidence and some day this planet will also end…see we have evidence. Again, it is only your physical body that is finite.

We wish you a very good rest of your day.
Ponder or not as you will.

Many of One

You are worthy

Good Day to you,

We have spoken with you in the past giving you an image of All that Is as a music staff and on that staff is everything that ever was as will ever be. All that Is, is a term we use for the Creator of Creators, in case you were curious.

Today it is our desire to draw your attention to the indisputable truth that you are a note on the staff. We would like you to know that you are a note on the staff of music that is the All that Is; and that you exist in a perpetual state of grace. This is Truth. You think of a state of grace as something thing that you must strive for and then once it is attained you must be very watchful not to fall out of it. We tell you that all that you must do is to be aware that you are never disconnected from that flow of music. It is only necessary that you acknowledge this state of existence to bring it into your reality. There is no separation and you are not alone. You are worthy. Be still and know.

Many of One

Now, we suggest some things to reflect upon

Good Day to you, always regardless of your current circumstances there exists, the possibility of a good day.

In this moment we have chosen to speak with you about trust. TRUST is a very big word. It conjures not only images but emotions. Historically in your society and religions the concept has been taught that you, your soul/inner self and your body can not be relied upon. 
In other words you as an individual should not trust yourself in any way. You must rely on something outside you to steer your boat (in case you haven’t noticed we are quite fond of that analogy). Your mental and physical reactions and perceptions you are told are faulty.

Over our time with our typist we have given a word of some import to her for the retreat that is held annually. The first was TRUST, the idea being that some time should be spent in reflection on that word and then finding subjects about which you could resonate with or Trust to be true for you. We desired that you would find positive things upon which you would reflect or upon reflection you would remove from your belief system things that your inner self knows to be false. It is our promise to you that your inner self has the right of it. It is only necessary for you to be still and know this.

Now, we suggest some things to reflect upon.

You were created as an individual of incomplete perfection.

The you we speak of is not the body that you see in the mirror but, the self that inhabits the body.

We say incomplete because you are now and always will be searching, and experimenting to create your next experience, so you are really never complete in that sense of the word. To quote our friends Abraham and Esther, “you can never get it done”. You will always be reaching for the next creation be, you physical or not.

The body is finite. You are not. Therefore the body is whole, perfect and complete. It may not look as you might desire. It functions as it was meant to do. It was meant to be healthy, it was meant to be the perfect vehicle that would aid you in your experimental creating.

We leave to reflect or not.

Many of One