Experiencing as Individuals


You are here as a group
Experiencing as individuals
The purpose is Acceptance/Tolerance
One group cannot successfully usurp FREE WILL
It is against UNIVERSAL LAW

Perceive your world differently

We have observed those of you who are on a Path of Ascension, working diligently to raise your vibration to experience/see a change in the world around you.

We would tell you this, the Path of Ascension you are on is one of individual growth and while it is true that you can and do affect the frequency of those around you… the true enlightenment that comes from the path is that as you raise your frequency you begin to perceive your world differently. You see with your eyes a new world because your perspective has changed.  The world around your new way of witnessing it and then that becomes manifest in your experience. Your inner creative director will find you evidence to experience your new observations as Truth.

You will find no existing historical data to show you this is correct…probably the direct opposite. So, we say begin to know this as Truth and Trust your Knowing of it.

As always, we leave you to ponder.

Many of One

You are not who you believe yourself to be

We come to you this day to say these words

It is our wish that you well and truly hear them

Teachers we are and teach we must

You are not who you believe yourself to be, your version of yourself is of the one who wants, who lacks, who has accumulated things…oh so many things, or not, the one who has suffered, who has history…if you only knew.

Our version of you is so very different, you see, from our perspective, you are the BEing that is filled with the same light as your Creator. Understand that we are aware of your history both as an individual and as a society. Understand also that we in our teaching call forth that part of you that knows who and what she is. We call you to step out, to stop hiding to begin to say I AM a BEing of the light and as such I call forth to my experience the light of my Creator. That as a BEing of light, I recognize in the light of the others and I will acknowledge their light, and accept them as who they BE, while allowing all creatures great and small to BE as they BE. As you acknowledge the light of the other, no matter what they present, you raise your frequency and the frequency of those in front of you. When you see the light in BEing without expecting them to change, you see them as the Creator does…whole, perfect and complete.

Many of One

From your Now alter the past

A cell can only be examined in the “Now” of your experience. When you examine the cell you assume that the future of the cell is set in concrete with rebar. Not so friends, the cell’s now is indicative of its past, but not of its future.

Its current condition tells only of one probable future…there are many to choose from.

A diagnosis is only fact when you choose that diagnosis as fact of your future.

You can from your Now alter the past and future for the cells in order to experience a different probable future.

Ponder this

Many of One

Small you are not

On this day we say to you, the truth of you must come through. Small you are not, inside of you resides the Divine You. The piece of your Creator that you have always been and will always BE. The part of you that would show you the way if you would be still and listen. So, on this day Friends we call upon you to recognize this part of you and to seek guidance from within. The truth of you is that you are the creator of that which you wish to experience, that you have the ability to cleanse your inner house and walk up the mountain forever leaving behind that which no longer serves. As always, we have a caveat you must, not look back. Once you have observed a thing and find it no longer serves…then sweep it away and walk on, when you do this a small part of you will call out, saying, “are you sure…come back…it is safe here…this thing is what you know; danger, danger Will Robertson”. Ignore it and continue up the mountain or down the garden path, if you will, knowing that you have allowed your light to shine a bit brighter in the world and by doing so you show yourself and others it can be done.

Many of One

So, friend…BEgin

Now, Today what the world needs now…is for you to begin to see/sense/feel your own worthiness and your place in life as having value.

Again friends, you change your world by changing you into the best, most creative, kindest and loving BEing you can be in each moment. The universe is not expecting heroics from you, you did not come into physicality to be a superhero, to be the topic of dinner conversation or to receive an academy award. You came for the Joy of it, for creation and for the expansion of self that it brings.

So many of you in your feelings of unworthiness feel unable to even begin in your daily interactions of life. You are a bit like those folks who are hoarders…so overwhelmed by things that they cannot fathom which bit the toss in the bin first. We tell you that you must begin with some small action, one thing must go in the bin.

We tell you…you are worthy, you have value.

So, friend BEGIN.

Many of One

Creativity…as expression of self

Now, we discuss creativity…as expression of self. So, individualized that even your siblings/offspring do not create in the same manner/method as to you.

The desire/drive to create is central to your inner self. It is how you demonstrate to your fellows who you are. It is how you leave your mark on your world/society/community that you were here, and this is what you created.

Again, we will say that the rules you have for such action as creating often block any creativity.

Now, let us define creativity in terms outside of your boxes. We speak of creativity in terms of a “life well lived”; in terms of the neighbors beautifully maintained home and gardens so well tucked into its little space it seems apart of nature itself and you find that you breathe more easily when walking by. Or the teacher that is so thrilled with their subject matter and with the explaining of it to young minds that she/he imparts an enthusiasm/passion within their students for learning/all learning.

Creativity is expression of self…not just creating artwork, stories, movies, and other things that entertain you in your downtime. It is expression of, this is who I AM, this is how you will know me.

Although you should bring your creativity to your employment (your way of making dollars),
It is not how you make your income that counts. One way of obtaining cash flow is not better than any other. Even though the dollars can differ vastly.

The garbage collector who cares for his customers, notices things about their habits, speaks enthusiastically, “Good Morning, great day, isn’t it? You take care now” is often having a greater positive affect on his world the CEO of a large corporation.

Many of One

Having reached its own fulfillment

We wish to bring you by virtue of our discourse slowly to the realization that all consciousness works cooperatively towards allowing fulfillment while BEing aware of their connection to the source of their creation and each other.

You see a herd of animals grazing, being watched by a fanged toothed predator who notices an older/slower/sick animal in the herd and begins to stalk it. Soon separating it from its fellows and making a meal of it.  Much observation over time  leads  to humans  begin to form the idea/Law of survival of the fittest. Which you then translate into your lives giving permission for the predatory nature to exist in your interactions with each other.

What you do not acknowledge is the cooperative consciousness in both the prey and the predator that exists in the animal kingdom. The sick animal knowing its own life has lost the quality of joy it once had acknowledges now its place on the dinner plate of the predator in order that the species that it is a part of continues to exist; by allow a young but small herd member to mature. While also allowing the predatory species to continue, it gives up its existence having reached its own fulfillment.

Many of One

Individual expression and expansion

We speak now to you of natural laws, which are not the natural laws your scientists say govern this time space reality. We speak of the laws of creation which allow for many forms of existence on many plains in many dimensions simultaneously. All the while allowing for individual expression and expansion.

You experience life/physicality through your own body, see with your eyes the things around you and filter what you see to experience through what you believe. Every form of consciousness no matter how minute does this also. You are the center of your life as is your cat. The cat is the center of her life and the molecule that in the drop of water the center of its.

Each of you…yourself, the cat and the drop of water have at your core a drive towards increasing the quality of its experience. By this we do not mean that you increase the quantity of the things that you surround yourself with but that you increase your sense of safety, self-worthiness and are a benefit to your society. That you lovingly embrace the creation around you and are in response

Many of One

You are born a caring, compassionate and curious creature

You are born a caring, compassionate, and curious creature who possesses a knowingness of your own abilities and the certain knowledge of your unique Beingness. You are unlike any other in your combination of physical attributes and inner skills and abilities. You seek fulfillment of self while adding to the fulfillment of your world.

By nature, Friends, you are cooperative Beings, who care/love/concern for the Beings who share this experiencing with you. You are not by nature born with the attributes that you find yourselves labeled with, you are not born unreliable nor in other terms are you born with the base instincts of a predatory greedy killer contained within a body waiting to grow up and show the world just who you are.

You are “programed” so that you will seek growth and fulfillment while at the same time Being a benefit or at least a Benign influence on your society.

You Become the Being that you think you are just as you create your own experiences. You Become the person that you Believe yourself to BE. This is the core Belief that that needs the closest examination, (and you thought that we had stepped away from Belief for a bit).

As parents, family members and friends of each other it is possible for you to change the future of your society by giving and allowing a sense of self through creating in your interactions with young, old and in betweeners a space if but for a moment when the other sees their worthiness in your eyes.

Many of One